ADHD & Us Live Course

ADHD & Us Live Course

ADHD Relationships are amazing! There are so many great aspects that different brains bring to the relationship. However, without understanding how ADHD brains work and the sensory processing differences, ADHD relationships (ADHD or ADHD & non-ADHD) can run into some challenges around executive functioning (ability to get things done), communication and household management. This course combines online technology with live meetings to set up ADHD relationships for success!

Next group starts in September 2024! Most live group sessions will be held Friday at 12:00 pm CDT.

This small virtual group combines fun, interactive coursework and live instruction and support. The course uses Anita’s ADHD & Us book with extra material and research that includes sensory processing. Topics include tools for communication, ADHD-friendly household management systems and boundaries. These three tools with the ADHD Relationship Pillars are the game changers that most ADHD relationships need. Plus live sessions that keeps partners engaged. If you loved the ADHD & Us book (or don’t want to read the book), this course will be perfect for you as it gives you all the tools plus time to practice! Even if you have all the knowledge, implementing it is the challenging part. This new platform is set up to give you reminders, make relationship building fun, and track progress using visual aids.

For $397 , you will receive:

  • 9 weeks of interactive online course with feedback from Anita

  • 4 group sessions: Review material and provide specific feedback

  • Anita’s ADHD Communication Check-in tool: Designed for ADHD and RSD

  • Private online group for support and questions

  • 3 discounted coaching sessions (save $200!)

  • 50% off Anita’s self-paced courses

Total value of $600 for only $397!

This course is for couples who have the bandwidth to try new things and are able to provide feedback and testimonial for the course. At least one person should try to make 4 out of the 6 live group courses. Plan on spending an hour a week for course material and practice, plus the 6 sessions in April & May. If you are not sure if this course is for you, look at the FAQ below or contact to set up a free consultation with Anita. Reserve your spot for the fall ADHD & Us group today!

Join the ADHD & Us Course Today!


April 1st, 2024: Private group chat opens up. Content & activities are released weekly.

Group Meetings:

Review of a topic and time for feedback and support. Please be able to make at least 4 out of the 6 sessions to get the most out of the course. It is ok if only one of you can make the live session.

April 5th 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm CDT: ADHD Communication Tools

April 19th 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm CDT: ADHD Household Strategies

April 24th 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm CDT: Peer Support!

May 17th 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm CDT: Boundaries

May 22nd 5:30 pm- 7:00 pm CDT: Peer Support!

May 31st 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm CDT: Your Journey Forward

Who is it for:

Group is for individuals and/or partnerships who are in a relationship with someone who has (or suspected to have) ADHD. This group will give you support, knowledge and tools to navigate your relationship. If only one of you is able to join live sessions, not a problem! As long as one of you can join, you can share the knowledge you learned with your partner(s).

This group is most beneficial for those who are NOT in crisis or at the point of breaking up. The earlier you get the knowledge and support for an ADHD relationship, the easier it will be. Please contact me if you are uncertain if group will be a good fit for you. This course supports LGBTQ and non-traditional relationships.

This beta course is a combination of Anita’s self-paced and live courses. This will have excellent material. Group members that sign up for the beta rate are agreeing to provide course feedback and a testimonial.

Typical areas of conflict a non ADHD brain experiences with ADHD executive functioning differences:

  • Household responsibilities: wanting less clutter

  • Time-blindness: running late, inaccurate guesses of how long things will take

  • Attention: feels like the other is distracted, interrupts them or doesn’t seem to listen

  • Details: Missing important details on date nights, picking kids up etc.

  • Finances: spending vs. saving

  • Parenting: Feeling like the mental load is unevenly split in who takes care of the details

  • Confusion: on why certain things are challenging for one person when they can do it in different environments

  • Defensiveness: feeling like you can’t bring up topics without a big reaction from your partner or being criticized

conflict and clutter in the home from ADHD brain

  • Attacked- feeling attacked, criticized or being blamed by their partner

  • Misunderstood- feeling like the other doesn’t understand their intentions

  • Frustrated- many ADHDers didn’t get the help they deserved to develop executive function and have been repeatedly frustrated on not being able to complete ‘simple’ task

  • Household- wanting to spend less time maintaining the house, or preferring doing bigger cleaning projects than a little on a daily basis

  • Bored- not enough spark & adventure in the relationship

  • Parenting: wanting to prioritize more spontaneity and flexibility in the routines or creating more structure for parenting

Typical areas of conflict the ADHD brain experiences with their partner:

couple facing typical conflict from neurodivergent partner


  • Awesome! I work with many ADHD couples. This course covers tips that work for ADHD couples too. As ADHD strengths vary from person to person, the live groups will be the place to get specific feedback on which tools would work for your combined strengths.

  • Life happens and it is ok to miss a live session once or twice. I would wait or the next group if you know one of can’t make over half of the sessions.

  • No. As long as one of you can make it, you will be able to share what you learned with your partner(s).

  • No. This course requires the capacity to learn new skills and practice them on your own. If it feels like a make or break if something doesn’t change immediately, I recommend couples intensives or an ADHD relationship therapist.

  • Contact with any questions or to schedule a consultation with Anita. We want to set up everyone for success.

  • Course content is scheduled during times when most of the world is awake. If there is enough demand for an earlier peer group meeting, Anita will add another peer group meeting.